Why the name VAMONTA?
We chose the name "VAMONTA" to reflect Dr. Burns love for the two beautiful states of Virginia and Montana. Vastly different in myriad ways yet each with a charm all its own, a fascinating history and wonderful people.
Do I need a scale?
Yes, you need a scale and I would recommend one with a digital readout. Most of these go up to 400lbs but some are engineered for people of greater weight. Many affordable options are available via the usual suspects - Amazon, Walmart, Costco, etc. You are also advised to record your weight daily and maintain this for review at any interval appointments.
What nutritional support does VAMONTA provide?
VAMONTA, as primarily a medical site, seeks to identify eating habits that tend to either promote weight gain or frustrate efforts to induce and maintain weight loss. We also glean additonal information from the labs that we order and may make recommendations based on those results. We provide general recommendations regarding diet and nutrition. We also provide lipotropic injections that improve metabolism and may correct deficiencies. If you need or desire detailed dietary review and specific instructions, I would recommend that you see a Registered Dietician. In some cases, Dr. Burns will recommend such.
What exercise or activity support does VAMONTA provide?
Again here, VAMONTA provides general recommendations as to frequency, intensity and duration of exercise. Some specific and effective activities that I have had success with in the past are recommended as well. As preferences, schedules, access, resources and abilities are different for each patient, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. There is no absolute need to do any specific exercise but there is a need to maintain or increase your activity level and include in this some aerobic aspect as well as muscle-preserving resistance. If you have a need for very specific direction here, it might be good to join an exercise group or gym.
How much is the shipping?
Shipping is always included in the cost of the medications. All GLP-1 and injectibles are shipped via 2 day refrigerated shipping via UPS Ground or via FedEx overnight or next day.
What is hedonic eating?
Hedonic eating is the term given to a pattern of food consumption that reflects a desire to satisfy needs other than hunger. These needs can be complex and wide-ranging. Some are psychological needs while others reflect a desire for a certain taste or mouth-feel that certain foods (mainly snacks) can provide. Many times this takes the form of a desire for "cruchy-salty" foods such as chips. The significance of hedonic eating as regards GLP-1 therapy is that it is the one eating pattern that can frustrate weight loss utilizing GLP-1 medications.